





-预训练功率模型:我们为不同的部署场景提供预训练的功率模型。当前的x86_64预训练模型是在Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2667 v3中开发的。其他架构的模型即将推出。您可以在Kepler Model DB中找到这些模型。这些模型支持RAPL和ACPI电源的功率比例建模和功率估算建模。AbsPower模型估算静态和动态功率,而DynPower模型只估算动态功率。这些模型的MAE(平均绝对误差)也已发布。Kepler容器镜像已预加载acpi/AbsPower/BPFOnly/SGDRegressorTrainer_1.json模型用于节点能量估算,以及rapl/AbsPower/BPFOnly/SGDRegressorTrainer_1.json用于容器绝对功率估算。


Scenario Node Total Power Node Component Powers Pod Power
BM (x86 with power meter) Measurement (e.g., ACPI) Measurement (RAPL) Power Ratio
BM (x86 but no power meter) Power Estimation Measurement Power Ratio
BM (non-x86 with power meter) Measurement Power Estimation Power Ratio
BM (non-x86 and no power meter) Power Estimation Power Estimation Power Ratio
VM with node info and power passthrough from BM (x86 with power meter) Measurement + VM Mapping Measurement + VM Mapping Power Ratio
VM with node info and power passthrough from BM (x86 but no power meter) Power Estimation Measurement + VM Mapping Power Ratio
VM with node info and power passthrough from BM (non-x86 with power meter) Measurement + VM Mapping Power Estimation Power Ratio
VM with node info Power Estimation Power Estimation Power Ratio
Pure VM - - Power Estimation

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