

We welcome all kinds of contributions to Kepler from the community!

For an in-depth guide on how to get started, checkout the Contributing Guide here.

Kepler Adopters

You and your organization are using Kepler? That's awesome. We would love to hear from you! 💚

The yaml file in here contains a list of all Kepler adopters. If you want to add your organization to Kepler's list, just add an entry there and once merged you will be found under Kepler Adopters.

Rendering Adopters

As part of adding an organization to the Kepler Adopters page, when data/adopters.yaml is updated, gomplate must be installed. The Kepler website uses it to render the Kepler Adopters page properly.


These steps are only needed if data/adopters.yaml is updated as part of adding an organization to the Kepler Adopters page.

  1. Install pkgx

    curl -Ssf https://pkgx.sh | sh
  2. Install gomplate

    pkgx +gomplate.ca^v3.11.7
  3. Enter the output from the previous command to update PATH. Example:

  4. Update adopters page using data from data/adopters.yaml

    gomplate -d adopters=./data/adopters.yaml -f templates/adopters.md -o docs/project/adopters.md

Adding Your Organization

To do so follow these steps:

  1. Fork the kepler-doc repository.
  2. Clone it locally with git clone https://github.com/<YOUR-GH-USERNAME>/kepler-doc.git.
  3. (Optional) Add the logo of your organization to docs/fig/logos. Good practice is for the logo to be called e.g. MY-ORG.png (=> docs/fig/logos/default.svg is the Kepler logo, it is used when no organization logo is provided.)
  4. Add an entry to the YAML file with the name of your organization, url that links to its website, and the path to the logo. Example:

        - name: Kepler
          url: https://sustainable-computing.io/
          logo: logos/kepler.svg
  5. Verify the Kepler Adopters page updated properly by running the following commands (see Install MkDocs for more details on how to preview the documentation from a build):

    mkdocs build
    mkdocs server
  6. When happy with the changes, add the changed files using git add -A and then commit using git commit -s -m "Add MY-ORG to adopters" (commit sign-off is required, see DCO of the kepler project).

  7. Push the commit with git push origin main.
  8. Open a Pull Request to kepler-doc

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