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eBPF in Kepler


What is eBPF?

eBPF is a revolutionary technology with origins in the Linux kernel that can run sandboxed programs in a privileged context such as the operating system kernel. It is used to safely and efficiently extend the capabilities of the kernel without requiring to change kernel source code or load kernel modules. [1]

What is a kprobe?

KProbes is a debugging mechanism for the Linux kernel which can also be used for monitoring events inside a production system. KProbes enables you to dynamically break into any kernel routine and collect debugging and performance information non-disruptively. You can trap at almost any kernel code address, specifying a handler routine to be invoked when the breakpoint is hit. [2]

How to list all currently registered kprobes?

sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/kprobes/list

Hardware CPU Events Monitoring

Performance counters are special hardware registers available on most modern CPUs. These registers count the number of certain types of hw events: such as instructions executed, cache misses suffered, or branches mis-predicted -without slowing down the kernel or applications. [4]

Using syscall perf_event_open [5], Linux allows to set up performance monitoring for hardware and software performance. It returns a file descriptor to read performance information. This syscall takes pid and cpuid as parameters. Kepler uses pid == -1 and cpuid as actual cpu id. This combination of pid and cpu allows measuring all process/threads on the specified cpu.

How to check if kernel supports perf_event_open?

Check presence of /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid to know if kernel supports perf_event_open and what is allowed to be measured

   The perf_event_paranoid file can be set to restrict
   access to the performance counters.

   2      allow only user-space measurements (default since Linux 4.6).
   1      allow both kernel and user measurements (default before Linux 4.6).
   0      allow access to CPU-specific data but not raw tracepoint samples.
  -1      no restrictions.

   Measuring all process/threads required CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability or a value less than 1 in above file

CAP_SYS_ADMIN is highest level of capability, it must have some security implications

Kernel Routine Probed by Kepler

Kepler traps into finish_task_switch kernel function [3], which is responsible for cleaning up after a task switch occurs. Since the probe is kprobe it is called before finish_task_switch is called (instead of a kretprobe which is called after the probed function returns).

When a context switch occurs inside the kernel, the function finish_task_switch is called on the new task which is going to use the CPU. This function receives an argument of type task_struct* which contains all the information about the task which is leaving the CPU.[3]

The probe function in Kepler is

int kprobe__finish_task_switch(struct pt_regs *ctx, struct task_struct *prev)

The first argument is of type pointer to a pt_regs struct which refers to the structure that holds the register state of the CPU at the time of the kernel function entry. This struct contains fields that correspond to the CPU registers, such as general-purpose registers (e.g., r0, r1, etc.), stack pointer (sp), program counter (pc), and other architectural-specific registers. The second argument is a pointer to a task_struct which contains the task information for the previous task, i.e. the task which is leaving the CPU.

Hardware CPU events monitored by Kepler

Kepler opens monitoring for following hardware cpu events

PERF Type Perf Count Type Description Array name
(in bpf program)
PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE PERF_COUNT_HW_CPU_CYCLES Total CPU cycles; can get affected by CPU frequency scaling cpu_cycles_hc_reader
PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE PERF_COUNT_HW_REF_CPU_CYCLES Total CPU cycles; not affected by CPU frequency scaling cpu_ref_cycles_hc_reader
PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE PERF_COUNT_HW_INSTRUCTIONS Retired instructions. Be careful, these can be affected by various issues, most notably hardware interrupt counts. cpu_instr_hc_reader
PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE PERF_COUNT_HW_CACHE_MISSES Cache misses. Usually this indicates Last Level Cache misses; this is intended to be used in conjunction with the PERF_COUNT_HW_CACHE_REFERENCES event to calculate cache miss rates. cache_miss_hc_reader

Performance counters are accessed via special file descriptors. There's one file descriptor per virtual counter used. The file descriptor is associated with the corresponding array. When bcc wrapper functions are used, it reads the corresponding fd, and return values.

Calculate process (aka task) total CPU time

The ebpf program (bpfassets/bcc/bcc.c) maintains a mapping from a <pid, cpuid> pair to a timestamp. The timestamp signifies the moment kprobe__finish_task_switch was called for pid when this pid was to be scheduled on cpu <cpuid>

// <Task PID, CPUID> => Context Switch Start time

typedef struct pid_time_t { u32 pid; u32 cpu; } pid_time_t;
BPF_HASH(pid_time, pid_time_t);
// pid_time is the name of variable which if of type map

Within the function get_on_cpu_time, the difference between the current timestamp and timestamp from the pid_time map is used to calculate the on_cpu_time_delta for previous task on the current cpu.

This on_cpu_time_delta is used to accumulate the process_run_time metrics for the previous task.

Calculate task CPU cycles

For task cpu cycles, the bpf program maintains an array named cpu_cycles, indexed by cpuid. This contains values from perf array cpu_cycles_hc_reader, which is a perf event type array.

On each task switch:

  • current value is read from perf counter array cpu_cycles_hc_reader
  • the previous value from cpu_cycles is retrieved
  • delta is calculated by subtracting prev value from current value
  • the current value is copied back to cpu_cycles for next task switch

The delta thus calculated is the cpu cycles used by the process leaving the cpu

Calculate task Ref CPU cycles

Same process as calculating CPU cycles, difference being perf array used is cpu_ref_cycles_hc_reader and prev value is stored in cpu_ref_cycles

Calculate task CPU instructions

Same process as calculating CPU cycles, difference being perf array used is cpu_instr_hc_reader and prev value is stored in cpu_instr

Calculate task Cache misses

Same process as calculating CPU cycles, difference being perf array used is cache_miss_hc_reader and prev value is stored in cache_miss

Calculate 'On CPU Average Frequency'

avg_freq = ((on_cpu_cycles_delta * CPU_REF_FREQ) / on_cpu_ref_cycles_delta) * HZ;

HZ = 1000

This value is stored in array cpu_freq_array

Calculate 'page cache hit'

The probe function in Kepler kprobe__set_page_dirty and kprobe__mark_page_accessed are used to track page cache hit for write and read action respectively.

Process Table

The bpf program maintains a bpf hash named processes. This hash maintains data calculated for a process. Kepler reads values from this hash ( known as a Table in bcc ) and generates metrics.

Key Value Description
pid cgroupid Process CGroupID
pid Process ID
process_run_time Total time a process occupies CPU (calculated each time process leaves CPU on context switch)
cpu_cycles Total CPU cycles consumed by process
cpu_instr Total CPU instructions consumed by process
cache_miss Total Cache miss by process
page_cache_hit Total hit of the page cache
vec_nr Total number of soft irq handles by process (max 10)
comm Process name (max length 16)

This hash is read by the kernel collector in container_hc_collector.go for metrics collection.


[1] , ,

[2] An introduction to KProbes , Kernel Probes (Kprobes)

[3] finish_task_switch - clean up after a task-switch

[4] Performance Counters for Linux

[5] perf_event_open(2) — Linux manual page

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