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Kepler DaemonSet Customization

Kepler enables a function to hybrid read environment variable from attributes directly (container.env) and from the ConfigMap. Note that, all steps will be operated by Kepler Operator if the operator is installed.

To set environments by ConfigMap:

  1. Create/Generate ConfigMap

    yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: kepler-cfm namespace: kepler-system data: MODEL_SERVER_ENABLE: true COUNTER_METRICS: '*' CGROUP_METRICS: '*' BPF_METRICS: '*' # KUBELET_METRICS: '' # GPU_METRICS: '' PERF_METRICS: '*' MODEL_CONFIG: | POD_COMPONENT_ESTIMATOR=true POD_COMPONENT_INIT_URL=

  2. Mount the ConfigMap to DaemonSet:

    yaml spec: containers: - name: kepler-exporter volumeMounts: - name: cfm mountPath: /etc/config readOnly: true volumes: - name: cfm configMap: name: kepler-cfm

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