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Kepler Community Operator on OpenShift


Before you start make sure you have:

  • An OCP 4.13 or above cluster running
  • Signed in as kubeadmin or a user with cluster-admin role
  • oc installed.
  • Clone the kepler-operator repository.

    git clone
    cd kepler-operator

Remove previously installed version of the Kepler Community Operator

If you have previously installed the Kepler Community Operator this will need to be removed prior to the installation of the v0.8.z version or above of the operator. This is due to changes to the Kepler API that are backward incompatible. Please also note that v1alpha1 does not promise backward compatibility and backward incompatible changes are expected until the API matures to v1beta1.

To remove the Kepler Operator use the Uninstall Operator Script in the Kepler-Operator repo

  • Run the uninstallation script to check the installed version of the operator


    Sample output of the command

     ๐Ÿ”” No operator version specified; finding the installed version
       โœ… found kepler-operator csv:
       โœ… kepler-operator version: v0.8.1
       โœ… Found - Kepler Operator version: v0.8.1
       ๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†  Resources of Kepler Operator - v0.8.1  ๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†
    NAME                     DISPLAY   VERSION   REPLACES                 PHASE
    kepler-operator.v0.8.1   Kepler    0.8.1     kepler-operator.v0.8.0   Succeeded
       ๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†  Going to delete the following  ๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†
     โฏ kubectl get ns kepler
    Error from server (NotFound): namespaces "kepler" not found
     โฏ kubectl get kepler -A
    kepler   9103   17        17        17      17           17          12h
     โฏ kubectl get -n openshift-operators olm -l
    NAME                                                            AGE   12h
     ๐Ÿ”” To delete all resources listed above, rerun with the `--delete` option added.
        ๎ž•     ./hack/  --delete
  • Once the above is verified, uninstall the operator and all the related resources by specifying the --delete flag.

    ./hack/  --delete

Install Kepler Community Operator from Operator Hub

  • Go to Operators โฏ Operator Hub. Search for Kepler. Click on Kepler Operator tile, then select Continue and then Install

    Operator installation in OCP

  • Choose alpha channel to deploy the latest version of the Operator.

    From OCP 4.15 onwards operator can be installed on Namespaces other than openshift-operators

  • Click on Install

    Operator installation in OCP

  • Wait until Operator gets installed

    Operator installation in OCP

    Follow the View Operator link to view installed Operators in openshift-operators Namespace or use the UI to navigate to installed operators and select the Kepler Operator.

  • Select Create instance to Create a Custom Resource for Kepler

    Operator installation in OCP

  • There is a Form and YAML view, using the YAML view provides more detail.

    Operator installation in OCP

    Operator installation in OCP

  • Once Kepler is configured select Create.

  • Check that the Kepler is deployed and available

    oc get kepler kepler
    kepler   9103   6         6         6       6            6           33s

Kepler Dashboard

The Kepler Dashboard provides the ability to visualize data exported by Kepler thus facilitating data-driven insights and a clear and interactive overview of metrics. Currently, we can visualize Kepler related metrics either via deploying Grafana dashboard on OpenShift or directly via OpenShift Console.

OpenShift Console

To view the metrics directly from OpenShift Console

  • Configure user workload monitoring on the cluster. Refer to the official OpenShift documentation for more information.
  • Navigate to Observe โฏ Dashboard
  • To view overall power consumption select Power Monitoring / Overview from the dropdown. Operator installation
  • To view the power consumption by namespace select Power Monitoring / Namespace from the dropdown. Operator installation

Deploy the Grafana Dashboard

The Kepler dashboard can be installed using the deploy grafana script in the kepler-operator repo

  • Run the Grafana deployment script


The script takes a few minutes to complete. The script automates the following steps:

  • Setup OpenShift User Workload Monitoring.
  • Install the Grafana Community Operator inside kepler-grafana namespace
  • Setup Grafana related dependencies e.g. ServiceAccount, Grafana DataSource, Grafana Dashboard and Route

When the script successfully completes it provides the OpenShift Route to the Kepler Dashboard.

   ๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†  Grafana Dashboard Setup Complete  ๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†
  ๐Ÿ“ˆ Grafana Configuration:

   Dashboard URL:
           Admin: kepler
        Password: kepler
 ๐Ÿ”” Kepler use prometheus deployed in openshift-user-workload-monitoring to store metrics. To configure Prometheus to cater to needs of the cluster such as:

    * Increase data retention for in-depth analysis
    * Allocate more resources based on requirements

๐Ÿ’ก see:


Grafana Dashboard

Sign in to the Grafana dashboard using the credentials kepler:kepler.

Operator installation

Access the Grafana Console Route

The dashboard can also be accessed through the OCP UI, Go to Networking โฏ Routes.

Operator installation

Grafana Deployment Overview

Refer to the Grafana Deployment Overview

Grafana's deployment overview

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Kepler work on earlier releases of OpenShift?

Our recommendation is use OCP 4.13 and above, but Kepler can be installed on OCP 4.11 and 4.12. In the future the Operator may be updated to check the version of Kubernetes that is installed e.g. v1.25.

How do I set nodeSelector and tolerations for Kepler?

You can specify nodeSelector and toleration's for Kepler at the time of creating Instance. You can specify both in Form and YAML view.

To specify in YAML view:

    port: 9103
      foo: bar
      - key: foo
        operator: "Equal"
        value: bar
        effect: NoExecute

You can specify Redfish related configuration for Kepler at the time of creating Instance. You can specify both in Form and YAML view.

To specify in YAML view:

      port: 9103
        - operator: Exists
      secretRef: redfish-secret
      probeInterval: 60s
      skipSSLVerify: false


Once an instance is created, the user must manually create redfish secret redfish-secret in the namespace kepler-operator. Once the secret is created, the operator will reconcile and Kepler will be able to connect to Redfish.

For more information regarding secret content specification refer to the upstream manifest.

Where are Kepler exporter pods deployed?

Once a Kepler Instance is created all related resources like pods, daemonsets, configmaps, secrets etc. are present inside the kepler-operator namespace. To view the available resources:

oc get all -n kepler-operator

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