
Deploy using Manifests

Getting Started

The following instructions work for both Kind and Kubeadm clusters.


  1. You have a Kubernetes cluster running.


    If you want to setup a kind cluster follow this

  2. The Monitoring stack, i.e. Prometheus with Grafana is set up. Steps here


    The default Grafana deployment can be accessed with the credentials admin:admin. You can expose the web-based UI locally using:

    kubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/grafana 3000

If the perquisites are met, then please proceed to the following sections.

Deploying Kepler on a local kind cluster

To deploy Kepler on kind, we need to build it locally with specific flags. The full details of local builds are covered in the section below. To deploy on a local kind cluster, you need to build using the PROMETHEUS_DEPLOY flag.

git clone --depth 1 git@github.com:sustainable-computing-io/kepler.git
cd ./kepler
make build-manifest OPTS="PROMETHEUS_DEPLOY"
kubectl apply -f _output/generated-manifest/deployment.yaml

Deploying Kepler on a baremetal Kubeadm cluster

To deploy Kepler on Kubeadm, we need to build it locally with specific flags. The full details of local builds are covered in the section below. To deploy on a local Kubeadm cluster, you need to use the BM_DEPLOY and PROMETHEUS_DEPLOY flags.

git clone --depth 1 git@github.com:sustainable-computing-io/kepler.git
cd ./kepler
kubectl apply -f _output/generated-manifest/deployment.yaml

Dashboard access

The deployment steps above will create a Kepler service listening on port 9102.

If you followed the Kepler dashboard deployment steps, you can access the Kepler dashboard by navigating to http://localhost:3000/ Login using admin:admin. Skip the window where Grafana asks to input a new password.

Grafana dashboard


To forward ports simply run:

kubectl port-forward --address localhost -n kepler service/kepler-exporter 9102:9102 &
kubectl port-forward --address localhost -n monitoring service/prometheus-k8s 9090:9090 &
kubectl port-forward --address localhost -n monitoring service/grafana 3000:3000 &

Build manifests

First, fork the kepler repository and clone it.

If you want to use Redfish BMC and IPMI, you need to add Redfish and IPMI credentials of each of the kubelet node to the redfish.csv under the kepler/manifests/k8s/config/exporter directory. The format of the file is as follows:


where, kubelet_node_name in the first column is the name of the node where the kubelet is running. You can get the name of the node by running the following command:

kubectl get nodes

redfish_username and redfish_password in the second and third columns are the credentials to access the Redfish API from each node. While https://redfish_ip_or_hostname in the fourth column is the Redfish endpoint in IP address or hostname.

Then, build the manifests file that suit your environment and deploy it with the following steps:

make build-manifest OPTS="<deployment options>"

Minimum deployment:

make build-manifest

Deployment with sidecar on openshift:


Manifests will be generated in _output/generated-manifest/ by default.

Deployment Option Description Dependency
BM_DEPLOY baremetal deployment patched with node selector feature.node.kubernetes.io/cpu-cpuid.HYPERVISOR to not exist -
OPENSHIFT_DEPLOY patch openshift-specific attribute to kepler daemonset and deploy SecurityContextConstraints -
PROMETHEUS_DEPLOY patch prometheus-related resource (ServiceMonitor, RBAC role, rolebinding) require prometheus deployment which can be OpenShift integrated or custom deploy
HIGH_GRANULARITY sets the Prometheus scrape interval for Kepler to 3s (default is 30s) PROMETHEUS_DEPLOY option set
CLUSTER_PREREQ_DEPLOY deploy prerequisites for kepler on openshift cluster OPENSHIFT_DEPLOY option set
CI_DEPLOY update proc path for kind cluster using in CI -
ESTIMATOR_SIDECAR_DEPLOY patch estimator sidecar and corresponding ConfigMap to kepler daemonset -
MODEL_SERVER_DEPLOY deploy model server and corresponding ConfigMap to kepler daemonset -
TRAINER_DEPLOY patch online-trainer sidecar to model server MODEL_SERVER_DEPLOY option set
DEBUG_DEPLOY patch KEPLER_LOG_LEVEL for debugging -
QAT_DEPLOY update proc path for Kepler to enable accelerator QAT Intel QAT installed
DCGM_DEPLOY Enable hostNetwork: true in Kepler container to access local DCGM service; use latest-dcgm Kepler container image to load DCGM library and dependencies NVIDIA DCGM service must be installed on the node

Following options are available for Redfish client, you can set them as environment variables of kepler-exporter. They affect all of Redfish access from Kepler Exporter.

Option Default value Description
REDFISH_PROBE_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS 60 Interval in seconds to get power consumption via Redfish.
REDFISH_SKIP_SSL_VERIFY true true if TLS verification is disabled on connecting to Redfish endpoint.

build-manifest requirements:

  • kubectl v1.21+
  • make
  • go

Deploy the Prometheus operator

If Prometheus is already installed in the cluster, skip this step. Otherwise, follow these steps to install it.

  1. Clone the kube-prometheus project to your local folder, and enter the kube-prometheus directory.

    git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/prometheus-operator/kube-prometheus; cd kube-prometheus;
  2. This step is optional. You can later manually add the Kepler Grafana dashboard through the Grafana UI. To automatically do that, fetch the kepler-exporter Grafana dashboard and inject in the Prometheus Grafana deployment.

    $ KEPLER_EXPORTER_GRAFANA_DASHBOARD_JSON=`curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sustainable-computing-io/kepler/main/grafana-dashboards/Kepler-Exporter.json | sed '1 ! s/^/         /'`
    $ mkdir -p grafana-dashboards
    $ cat - > ./grafana-dashboards/kepler-exporter-configmap.yaml << EOF
    apiVersion: v1
        kepler-exporter.json: |-
    kind: ConfigMap
            app.kubernetes.io/component: grafana
            app.kubernetes.io/name: grafana
            app.kubernetes.io/part-of: kube-prometheus
            app.kubernetes.io/version: 9.5.3
        name: grafana-dashboard-kepler-exporter
        namespace: monitoring


    The next step uses yq, a YAML processor.

    yq -i e '.items += [load("./grafana-dashboards/kepler-exporter-configmap.yaml")]' ./manifests/grafana-dashboardDefinitions.yaml
    yq -i e '.spec.template.spec.containers.0.volumeMounts += [ {"mountPath": "/grafana-dashboard-definitions/0/kepler-exporter", "name": "grafana-dashboard-kepler-exporter", "readOnly": false} ]' ./manifests/grafana-deployment.yaml
    yq -i e '.spec.template.spec.volumes += [ {"configMap": {"name": "grafana-dashboard-kepler-exporter"}, "name": "grafana-dashboard-kepler-exporter"} ]' ./manifests/grafana-deployment.yaml
  3. Finally, apply the objects in the manifests directory. This will create the monitoring namespace and CRDs, and then wait for them to be available before creating the remaining resources. During the until loop, a response of No resources found is to be expected. This statement checks whether the resource API is created but doesn't expect the resources to be there.

    kubectl apply --server-side -f manifests/setup
    until kubectl get servicemonitors --all-namespaces ; do date; sleep 1; echo ""; done
    kubectl apply -f manifests/


    It takes a short time (in a Kind cluster), for all the pods and services to reach a running state.

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